Sunday, November 22, 2009

Vampires, Werewolves and Cougars, Oh No!

No Rest for the Weary
It's early Monday morning here, and I'm finishing up an exhausting, yet exhilarating weekend at work. For me, it was 4 days long, beginning on Thursday. I came in at about 8pm that night to help get everything ready for the midnight showing of The Twilight Saga: New Moon. Already the lines were wrapped around our building and down the next block. We showed the film in 4 separate screens, and to handle the capacity crowds, we recruited two local police officers and two more managers from our sister theater, the Meadowview. Out of our five screens at the Paramount, the biggest theater holds 800 people. Tickets for that show sold out a full week in advance. The other 3 screens playing New Moon have between 2-400 seats, all of which sold out on or before Thursday. Altogether we had around 2,000 people in our modest little movie house.

The biggest weekend we've ever had there was last August, for the opening of Dark Knight. We also played that on 4 screens and it ended up being the highest grossing week in our theater's history. The way tickets for New Moon were disappearing just a few weeks ago, it looked on pace to beat the Batman, and it already did in some respect: it was the fastest we've ever sold out for a midnight show.

As you might've guessed, the weekend was utter madness. Women of all ages flooded the theater to the ceiling with estrogen and sexual pheromones. Yes, ALL ages. I was anticipating the droves of screaming preteens covered head to toe in Twilight garb, but I completely underestimated its lure to middle-aged women. I got a real wake up call this weekend when I found this left behind in the main theater on Friday:

Of course! Women love cheesy romance novels--why wouldn't they come see New Moon?? That's really all it is, a smut novel for kids. Hey, get 'em while they're young.

So while the vampire might find himself the dangerous and seductive object of a young woman's affection, the werewolf will learn that the hunter is now hunted . . . by cougars. Every woman over 30 (and there were plenty--without children!) was there for one reason and one reason only: Jacob, the roid-happy werewolf oozing machismo.

Every time he came on screen Friday night, the entire theater would shake from the shrieks of hysterical women. This is because he and every other guy in the film are shirtless indefinitely. It's as if the writer and director decided they would flip the sexist double standards of cinema on their head by finding every excuse possible to show off the male physique. If that was their intention, they overachieved. I happened to catch one scene in particular where Bella (played by the lovely Kristen Stewart) crashes Jake's motorcycle and bumps her head. The blood is barely noticeable, and its obviously not serious, as indicated by her character's mannerisms. But nevertheless, Jake has to rip off his shirt in the cold of autumn to dab what little blood there is onto his article of clothing that will most likely never recover from the stain. "Seriously? Who does that?!?"

When I mentioned this to my manager he shared the same sentiment. I asked him if he was on Team Edward or Team Jacob, to which he answered, "Team Cedric," as in Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I never cared enough to notice that this character was in fact played by Robert Pattinson, aka Edward Cullen, the vampire from Twilight.

In A Different Light
As an usher, I am required to do 'walk throughs' to make sure the film and projector are running properly and to make sure no one is on their phone or has a six pack of beer with them (which happens more than you might think). I do this no less than once or twice each set (time slot) for each separate film being shown. Altogether I worked about 12 sets of New Moon over the weekend, multiplied by 3 screens equals 36 screenings. What this means is that inadvertently, I have seen nearly all of New Moon. And I am a bit ashamed to admit it, but not all of the viewing was against my will. There is one scene in particular that made me question whether I was watching a sequel to Twilight or a sequel to The Matrix (only, a good one). I'm not sure where it fits into the plot or even at what point in the movie it occurs (which btw, is over 2hrs long), but it involves a pack of 'werewolves' (I use quotes because they are really just men who turn into over-grown wolves--I guess they didn't want to compromise the sex appeal) chasing a redhead vampiress through the forest. Part of it can be seen in this trailer:

What makes this scene so awesome is the perfect blend of gorgeous cinematography, atmosphere and special effects with a soundtrack that is refreshingly unexpected. Here, check out the song that plays during the sequence and read what moviegoers and music lovers had to say in the comments: "Hearing Damage" by Thom Yorke

Music of the Night
While I am reluctant to say I have enjoyed some of what I've seen in New Moon, I am anything but ashamed to say I love the soundtrack. Any haters out there just need to shut up and listen. I couldn't believe it when I first heard it. I was at a party with some old friends and new acquaintances when out of nowhere there came on a Death Cab for Cutie song I was unfamiliar with. I rushed over to the living room only to find someone had uploaded the New Moon soundtrack onto their Playstation 3, and it contained a host of reputable indie bands. It was as if the music supervisor of the project was playing a joke on the audience, saying, "Here ya little brats, turn off those damn Jonas Brothers and get educated in some good music."

1. Death Cab for Cutie, 'Meet Me on the Equinox'
2. Band of Skulls, 'Friends'
3. Thom Yorke, 'Hering Damage'
4. Lykke Li, 'Possibility'
5. The Killers, 'A White Demon Love Song'
6. Anya Marina, 'Satellite Heart'
7. Muse, 'I Belong to You (New Moon Remix)'
8. Bon Iver and St. Vincent, 'Rosyln'
9. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, 'Done All Wrong'
10. Hurricane Bells, 'Monsters'
11. Sea Wolf, 'The Violet Hour'
12. Ok Go, 'Shooting The Moon'
13. Grizzly Bear, 'Slow Life'
14. Editors, 'No Sound But The Wind'
15. Alexandre Desplat, 'New Moon (The Meadow)'

I immediately bought the soundtrack (which is saying something considering I never by CD's anymore) and I've since listened to it as much as or more than any other album this year. And what's more, I was very excited to find out at the midnight show that almost the entire soundtrack is played throughout the film! It really makes an otherwise mediocre movie seem much more interesting. Also, I've read something along those lines recently that makes a case for the actors involved, asking us to give them credit for acting so well that we forget how bad the dialogue actually is, which I have to agree with. Robert Pattinson does a good job as the sensitive, brooding vampire with an American accent (like Hugh Laurie, he's very Bristish), and Kristen Stewart does extremely well as the damaged emo teen vixen. Perhaps I am being sadistic, but I especially like the scenes where her heartache causes her to have nightmares, where rather than waking up in a cold sweat she screams bloody murder. The emotion is intense; palpable. If there were an Oscar ceremony for just teens, she would most definitely take best actress.

New Moon met everyone's expectations this weekend by breaking box office records. It set the record for midnight screenings with $26.3 million. It eclipsed The Dark Knight for opening day with $72.7 million. However, it only went to 3rd place for highest grossing weekend (140m), just behind Spider Man 3 (151m) and The Dark Knight (158m). Now everyone is waiting to see if it will outgross this year's biggest hit so far, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, a film that like New Moon, I felt only had one worthwhile scene. The only way I see New Moon making more than $400 million is if it has replay value and the fans come out to see it more than once. I would predict that after Thanksgiving weekend, it will have met its full potential and will begin a steep decline in sales. It simply does not reach as wide a demographic audience as Transformers or The Dark Knight. However, never underestimate the buying/staying power of obsessive teens and desperate housewives. I became rather familiar with one young lady as she came out to see the film 3 times in the same weekend!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Capitalism: A Love Affair

Ever since his first film, Roger and Me, Michael Moore has been trying to get into the General Motors headquarters in Detroit, Michigan. In his newest film, Capitalism: A Love Story, he tries one last time to get inside with his cameras for an interview with the CEO. To no avail.

Well in an ironic twist of fate, General Motors went bankrupt during post-production of the film. GM was taken over by the government and Moore's good buddy Barack Obama (heard of him?) became CEO by default. As luck would have it, Moore would not only gain entrance to the GM headquarters, he would screen his new film inside them!

Marcy Kaptur is right on the money. And to make another shameless play on words, I must say that buying a ticket to see Capitalism is a great investment--worth it's weight in gold. It was one of the more enjoyable movie theater experiences I've had all year. I laughed, I shrieked, I fumed, and I cried. There aren't too many films today that can make someone feel so depressed and yet so inspired.

The film begins with a brilliant comparison of our current state of the nation to the fall of the Roman Empire, with Dick Cheney of course playing the role of 'evil emperor.'

He's so creeeeepy!!

Moore then goes on to talk about how much better we had it in the years following WWII, when people didn't complain so much about paying their taxes, and those tax dollars actually went towards creating jobs and infrastructure. "Then came along Debbie Downer," Moore says over a speech by President Jimmy Carter. People didn't seem to like his bleak messages of doom and gloom, warning us of our greedy, unsustainable and excessive lifestyles.

Enter Ronald Reagan, the capitalist cowboy who went from the wild west of Hollywood to the even wilder Wall St. and Washington. Moore's portrayals of Reagan and Bush go from the being funny to downright ridiculous. He shows a line graph attributing everything from the rise in unemployment and a spike in the sales of antidepressants to Reagan's deregulation policies. While his facts are true, he won't let you believe anyone else had anything to do with it. He receives most of his criticism for being so exaggerative, sensational, biased and leftist. But I think that's part of what make Moore's films so much fun to watch. He always has an ax to grind and he does it with such conviction, eloquence and style. He's a spiteful bastard and God bless him for it. He can take the most depressing realities about our country and make just enough fun of them that you almost forget they are real.

I'd talk more about the film, but I really urge you to go see it if you can find it playing anywhere. Besides being very enjoyable, it's also informational, dealing with some really important issues of our day. Check out his website,, and see how you can get involved.

Also, what's your take on Capitalism? If you love it, how can we improve it? If you hate it, how can we replace it? If you think its fine just the way it is, you should probably get your head checked. And then watch this movie.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

October Film Review

* Films are rated based on an average between my feelings toward the quality of the film and how much I enjoyed them overall.

Paranormal Activity 7/10
The Informant
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs
Where the Wild Things Are
Capitalism: A Love Story