Thursday, October 1, 2009

Born in the 80's: An Introduction

October In The 80's represents the movies and music I grew up on. It's a nostalgic setting for me that transcends time and space. It's the place that I call home and the person I am today. Many people associate the 80's with horrible haircuts and plastic pop music, snubbing them with utter disregard. Well as they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure. I'll be the first to admit that my standards may tend to fall below that of the status quo, or at least those with artful credibility. I have more guilty pleasures than any one man (or ten men) ought to have. So I like some really 'bad' things...that's just who I am.

The actual title of the blog itself comes from two of my favorite movies: Donnie Darko and The Monster Squad. I'm not sure whether or not Monster Squad takes place in October, but the film itself is definitely from the 80's and I watch it every October. Donnie Darko was released in 2001, but is set in October of 1988. Everything about the film, especially the music, spoke to me unlike anything before or after. The movie literally changed my life.

Now I work at my absolute favorite place to watch movies: The Paramount Theater, "located at 213 N. Schuyler in downtown Kankakee." The theater is a beautiful art deco building from the early 1930's with an enormous main hall. It's the kind of theater they just don't make anymore, and it's responsible for some of my fondest memories. Being an usher at the age of 23 may not sound like the ideal job, but for me it's been somewhat of a dream come true. Working there has inspired me to start blogging about my passion for film and music, so here it is.

Please feel free to leave comments and feedback as I would love to hear from you!
Thanks and enjoy! :)

1 comment:

  1. First things first. I think your job sounds Fuc**** AMAZING. I'm jealous. As far as critique: I think this sounds like a great idea for a blog. I too feel attached to the 80s for unexplainable reasons.
